Cityhub - ispravimo nepravilnosti i učinimo grad ljepšim.
Cityhub je modularna aplikacija smještena u cloudu i kombinira sve gradske servise na jednom mjestu. Sastoji se od nekoliko modula: za komunalno redarstvo, gradski prijevoz, športske objekte, CityPass itd. Mobilna aplikacija trenutno sadrži jedan modul, modul u cloudu za komunalno redarstvo koji omogućava pojednostavljeno prijavljivanje, pregled i komentiranje nepravilnosti i problema za građane.
1) Prijava
Preuzmite CityHub aplikaciju na vaš smartphone ili tablet. Možete se prijaviti kao anonimni korisnik ili koristeći Google ili Facebook prijavu. Aplikacija radi po principu da kada korisnik fotografira problem (nepravilno parkiranje, grafit na zidu, smeće na ulici...) sa geolokacijom koja se preuzme sa uređaja, problem se prijavi u cloudu.
2) Fotografiraj i objavi
Fotografiraj problem, odaberi kategoriju problema i pošalji. Tada će administratori grada delegirati problem nadležnoj službi odogovornoj za taj problem, i ona će riješti problem.
3) Problem riješen.
Geolokacija je priložena sa svakom prijavom i šalje se nadležnoj službi kako bi one mogle reagirati što prije i što prije ispraviti prijavljeni problem. Nakon što je problem riješen, administrator mjenja status problema u &nquot;Riješen&nquot; i korisnik koji je prijavio problem će biti obaviješten prilikom slijedeće prijava u CityHub. Ako se korisnik prijavio preko Facebooka ili Googlea, moći će pratiti riješavanje problema koje je prijavio putem kartice "Moje prijave".
Aktivirani gradovi:
Osijek, Beli Manastir, Općina Antunovac, Ludbreg, Vrbovsko, Vinkovci, Valpovo, Velika Gorica, Brdovec, Našice, Belišće, Đakovo, Općina Čepin, Kneževi Vinogradi, Slavonski Brod, Garešnica, Pregrada, Prelog, Čazma, Općina Stari Jankovci,Schramberg, Dettingen an der Erms, Bergatreute, Aichhalden Rötenberg, Beuron, Sexau, Grünkraut, Todtmoos, Rasdorf, Gädheim, Gailingen, Wurmlingen, Wald Hohenzollern, Weismain, Hammersbach, Görwihl, Kupferzell, Margetshöchheim, Erlabrunn, Seitingen-Oberflacht, Grafenhausen, Rickenbach, Bitz, Markt Wartenberg, Berglern, Langenpreising, Widdern, Laufenburg, Herrischried, Ehrenkirchen, Murg, Forchtenberg, March,Pécs,Dombóvár Város,Harkany,Sombor,Žepće
Cityhub - correct irregularities and make the city more beautiful.
Cityhub is modular applications placed in the cloud and combines all city services in one place. It consists of several modules: for community policing, public transport, sports facilities, etc. CityPass. Mobile application now contains a module, in the cloud for community policing that allows simplified reporting, review and comment on the irregularities and problems for citizens.
1) Log
Download Cityhub application on your smartphone or tablet. You can log in as an anonymous user or using Google or Facebook application. The application works on the principle that when a user takes photographs problem (illegal parking, graffiti on the walls, trash in the street ...) with geolocation, which is taken from the device, the problem of the application in the cloud.
2) Photograph and publication
Photograph problem, select the category of the problem and send. Then the city administrators to delegate the problem to the competent service odogovornoj for this problem, and it will solve the problem.
3) Problem solved.
Geolocation is included with each application and sent to the relevant department so that they can respond as quickly as possible and as quickly as possible to correct the reported problem. Once the problem is resolved, the administrator changes the status of the problem in & nquot; Fixed & nquot; and a user who reported the problem will be notified the next time you login to Cityhub. If the user has logged in using your Facebook or Google, will be able to keep track of solving the problems reported through the "My applications".
Activated cities:
Osijek, Beli Manastir, Municipality of Antunovac, Ludbreg, Vrbovsko, Vinkovci, Valpovo, Velika Gorica, Brdovec, Našice, Belišće, Đakovo, Municipality Cepin, Princes Vineyards, Slavonski Brod, Garešnica, Partition, Prelog, Čazma, Municipality of Stari Jankovci, Schramberg, Dettingen an der Erms, Bergatreute, Aichhalden Rotenberg, Beuron, Sexau, Grünkraut, Todtmoos, Rasdorf, Gädheim, Gailingen, Wurmlingen, Wald Hohenzollern, Weismain, Hammersbach, Görwihl, Kupferzell, Margetshöchheim, Erlabrunn, Seitingen-Oberflacht, Grafenhausen, Rickenbach, Bitz , Markt Wartenberg, Berglern, Langenpreising, Widdern, Laufenburg, Herrischried, Ehrenkirchen, Murg, Forchtenberg, March, Pécs, Dombóvár Város, Harkany, Sombor, Žepće